Here at Face Dental our vast experience has taught us that every patient is unique. And when it comes to teeth straightening, this is especially true.
There are a variety of different treatments available to help create your perfect smile. Teeth straightening can be achieved by various cosmetic dental techniques depending on your dental requirements and personal preference.

Face Dental will help you choose the right treatment for you depending on your lifestyle, dental needs and budget. We offer a free consultation that will inform you of your different options and what we think will be best suited.

Below we have provided an overview of some of the most common teeth straightening treatments.

Traditional Metal Braces:
Metal braces consist of metal brackets and wires that are adjusted over time to gradually move your teeth into their desired positions. They are effective and can treat a wide range of dental issues.

Ceramic Braces:
Ceramic braces work similarly to metal braces but use tooth-coloured or clear brackets, making them less noticeable. They are a good option if you want a less conspicuous treatment.

Lingual Braces:
Lingual braces are attached to the back of your teeth, making them virtually invisible from the front. They are custom-made for your teeth and offer effective treatment with a discreet appearance.

Invisalign is a popular clear aligner system that uses a series of custom-made, transparent plastic trays to gradually move your teeth. They are removable, so you can take them out for eating and oral hygiene. Invisalign is known for being nearly invisible and comfortable.

In severe cases of misalignment or jaw discrepancies, surgery may be necessary in combination with orthodontic treatment.

The choice of treatment will depend on factors such as the severity of your orthodontic issues, your age, budget, and aesthetic concerns. Book a free teeth straightening consultation with one of our friendly experts Face Dental.